Die Bässe sind ordentlich, was man bei so kleinen Geräten garnicht vermuten mag. My Galaxy S20 allows you to connect to two separate bluetooth devices at once so I was able to wear one FlyBud and one Galaxy Bud at the same time. starmed plus As long as I remember to put it to charge when I go to sleep, it does last for a whole day. Para estar en casa o ir comoda a algún lado. starmed plus the animation when I open the case doesnt pop up and yes I have a Samsung phone with the smart tools app. starmed plus So I was going to reoder them in a 6 and 1/2 . Okay, so in an honest product review -- there are some great things about this mouse and some not-so-great things. Ive plugged it into my 47" LG TVs 3. starmed plus The Bluetooth connects very easily. Easily fall out of my ears, even after trying all size replacements.
starmed plus