As a traditional shoe stand it’s quite wide and at a perfect height to keep the shoes inside, the only thing missing is if it had some covering to protect the shoes from dust or else I would say it’s quite easy to assemble and the assembly makes it portable and easy if it needs to be shifted Got this for my son & he absolutely loves it! salinger jacket 5 year old she will have to wait till winter to use its still august but theres plenty of room to grow they currently fit her a bit big. Shes very happy with them, says they are comfortable and sound really great. salinger jacket My frame is aluminum and it did not deface or crush it. salinger jacket First impression is that they are just as comfy and quality as the name brand. These shoes were super narrow. I will not be extending it anyway, but. salinger jacket I can wipe it with a damp cloth if I get something on it. I like it because it s functional due to the wide/double arms.
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