The bag comes with openings on the top to insert the straps through, so the hold is very secure. I saw a few reviews saying that the sound quality on these was not brilliant, but to be honest youd have to be a really picky audiophile to object to it - its more than good enough for everyday use, the sound is rich and not tinny. nike us womens size to uk The supplied ear plugs increase the bass but tend to muffle the mid and highs (but I’ve noticed that with the ASTitanium also). that will give me a good 40plus hours of usage constantly and can better describe how it worked for the intended purpose nike us womens size to uk The wide variety of colors and styles match any outfit. nike us womens size to uk It could have been improved by tapering the end of the strap to prevent it hanging over either side of the soft section of the strap. If there was a way to give six stars I would, and the mission of the Fire Team Fit crew to help support transitioning veterans is incredible. He doesnt like this matieral as much. nike us womens size to uk 5 rather than a size 10 as my foot hung over the back of them. There were a few blemishes on the brackets, but not enough for me to send it back.
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