They are strong, sturdy and well made. The second strap, higher across your foot, means these are very supportive too which works well for me with an achilles issue. are nike venture runner good for running Let me tell you though, I dont feel like I settled at all. Perfekt, mehr davon! are nike venture runner good for running It came with all the parts shown but be cautious the threads on the mounting are soft ao you could strip them if you attempt to secure it too firmly. are nike venture runner good for running I usually have to put extra padding on the band because headphones dont go small enough. I decided to purchase a size 10 and it was a perfect fit for my width. Align the top of the right baseplate with your level line from Step 8. are nike venture runner good for running I went and bought metal hardwear, suppose to hold up to 50#. I have been using this rack for about 5 months now, and it is working out great.
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